About admin

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So far admin has created 12 blog entries.

The One That Got Away


The one that got away Greetings, friends of the Phoenix Event Alliance. I hope you are all well and have been spared the ravages of this Covid 19 pandemic. These are very strange times and

The One That Got Away2020-07-08T22:20:12-04:00

The PEA Introductions: Tom Thompson


Stonehenge, Salisbury Plain, UK “Drive over the open drawbridge and through the main gate into a time long past, the first thing you see at the top of the rise is Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain.

The PEA Introductions: Tom Thompson2019-07-24T02:50:31-04:00

PEA’s Visit to the PA Camphill Communities – Part II


Dear Readers, Sorry this has taken so long but a lot has been going on in PEA land. Here's the second part of our Camphill visit from February Previously, we introduced the Camphill Movement and

PEA’s Visit to the PA Camphill Communities – Part II2019-04-11T17:36:40-04:00

The PEA Introductions: Jason Miller


Jason Miller Jason Miller and his Renaissance Foods company make up the Food Service branch of Common Ground.  We first met 10 years ago when Jason and his crew were making kettle corn at the

The PEA Introductions: Jason Miller2019-01-28T23:47:55-04:00

Happy Holidays from the PEA


Dear Friends of Common Ground, With our most heartfelt wishes for a holiday filled with quiet happiness, raucous laughter and most of all, love, I wanted to take just a quick break from the holiday

Happy Holidays from the PEA2018-12-20T19:44:50-04:00

The PEA Introductions: Vilma Gil


Vilma Gil, Actor, dancer, choreographer, writer, director Vilma Gil was the first new person to sign onto the Phoenix Event Alliance back in 2015.  She has a dynamic personality, a brilliantly creative mind

The PEA Introductions: Vilma Gil2018-11-30T00:41:17-04:00

The Leicester Tigers – If We Build It, They Will Come


Leicester Tigers Corporate Offices and Stadium, Leicester, UK. Insert: original Tigers logo. AMAZING MEETING IN THE UK In September, I had the opportunity to sit down with Scott Clarke, the Head of Community

The Leicester Tigers – If We Build It, They Will Come2018-11-30T00:42:35-04:00
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