Special Needs Mission

The Phoenix Event Park is for ALL our citizens. The PEA has identified a critical need for a safe , supportive environment for Special Needs Young Adults who are aging out of the school system . The park can provide a wide variety of facilities and projects for local training programs, performing arts education, marketable creative skills development, equestrian therapy and sports geared to various physical and mental challenges.
The goal is to provide Meaningful Daily Activities for this segment of our community near where they live.
America has come a long way in helping children with learning disabilities, physical limitations and mental health issues. Identified early, these children are placed in special programs in the public schools as early as age 3 and kept in a program of education and social interaction where they can grow to the extent of their abilities. They have friends, teachers and a place to BE and things to DO every day. Until the day they turn 21
and then…..
Everything changes
Having aged out of the school system, many of these young adults find themselves without a social network or support system outside their own family. Often, they have no place to be and nothing to do that gives their lives stability, routine and value.
Members of the Phoenix Event Alliance have been touched directly by young adults in this situation. They have made it a central initiative of the Phoenix Event Park Project to create a Special Needs Day Program. By its very nature, the Phoenix Event Park offers a broad range of activities and learning opportunities that can be tailored to ability and interest levels
By partnering with local agencies and special needs educators, this program will provide the quality of life and meaningful activities that we all value.
How we support our special needs community
The PEA will provide arts, athletic and educational opportunities for Special Needs youth and hard to place adults in a safe, supportive environment. Our park will have:
- Performing Arts Education for the developmentally and physically challenged
- Job Training, Partnering with Goodwill of Rappahannock to launch job training programs for difficult to place adults and youths
- Landscaping, Agricultural and Construction skills training
- Restaurant on site staffed entirely by developmentally delayed individuals providing real life experience.
- Establish sports geared for various physical and mental abilities
- Provide Meaningful Daily Activities to improve quality of life

Wounded Heroes Initiative
SOMETIMES, YOU NEED MORE THAN A PILL We live in a time where a lot of bad things have happened to a lot of good people. Our service men and women, police and fire personnel have seen things that cannot be UNseen. They have sustained injuries that affect more than just their bodies.
These brave people deserve more than our gratitude – they deserve our help. There is no pill that delivers self-confidence in the face of amputation, self-worth in the face of self doubt. The Phoenix Event Alliance has among its partners, trained professionals who can help. Through drama, music, equestrian and art therapy, or creating beauty from hammering hot metal, life can get better